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 Oct, 2022 Mexico - Experimental Aircraft no longer welcome in MexIco
 Oct 1, 2022 Bahamas Drops  PCR test fo non-vacinnated visitors
Jun 19, 2022 Bahamas Drops Health Visa Requirement for all visitors; PCR test still required for non-vaccinated
Jun 12, 2022 U.S. drops covid test requirement for arriving international passengers
Jun 1, 2022 Bahamas Indefinitely Postpones Landing Permission Requirement for Private Pilots
May 22, 2022 Bahamas Mandates Onerous online landing permission request with $5,000 fine threatened for non-compliance - without notification
Apr 7, 2022 Dominican Republic Welcomes Basic Med Pilots - Click here for official letter
Mar 7, 2022 Bahamas Drops Requirement for Antigen test during visit
Feb 21, 2022 AOPA Says Caymans Welcomes Private Pilots despite huge fee increases and mandatory arrival slots.  Really?
Feb 15, 2022 Caymans Shuts the Door on Private Aviation Tourism
Jan 7, 2022 Bahamas Loosend Covid Entry Requirement - a little bit
Dec 24, 2021 Bahamas Tightens Covid Entry Requirements
Nov 21, 2021 Cayman Island Re-opens for Tourism Effective Nov 20
Oct 21, 2021 Time to Renew Your U.S. Customs Aircraft Decal - For calendar year 2022.  Easy to do on line.
Sep 26, 2021 Covid Entry Requirements for Select Caribbean Destinations
Aug 8, 2021 Bahamas Increases Covid Entry Rquirements - Vaccinated individuals must also have a negative PCR or Antigen Test
Apr, 2021 Bahamas Drops PCR Test Requirement for Vaccinated Tourists - Don't have your shot(s)?  You still need a negative PCR Covid test to enter the country.
Jan 26 2021 U.S. mandates 3 day old negative covid test to enter the U.S.; recommends seven day quarantine upon arrival and re-test within 3-5 days.  But no one is checking at the South Florida General Aviation Customs facilities!?
Dec, 2020 Cuba Re-opens for Tourism.  U.S. flights to Havana only.  No private flight per the White House.  Negative Covid test required.
Jul 1, 2020 Bahamas requires a negative covid PCR test for entry.
Mar 16, 2020 Cayman Islands closes airports for arriving passengers due to Covid 19
Mar 10, 2020 White House Restricts commercial and charter fight to Cuba to Havana only.
Nov 5-8, 2019 Caribbean Flying Adventures Fly In to Santiago Cuba - On American Airlines!   The Cessna 172RG stays in Miami.
June 5, 2019 White House Bans private flights to Cuba but you can hop on any of 20 commercial or charter flights a day to Cuba no questions asked. 
Apr 26, 2019 announced Cayman requirement for Caricom eapis submission;  please ignore; this is not being required by the Caymans
Jun 25, 2018 Cuba increases overflight fees modestly:  up about $25 for a roundtrip permit.
Oct 12, 2017 New RNAV routes announced for flying over Cuba.  Y442 southbound (McLaw-Fundi); Y183 northbound Ikbix - Peaky)
Feb 13, 2017 Fuel Price Update: Bahamas adds $0.50 a gallon to avgas because of 7.5% value added tax.
Mar 16, 2016 Travel to Cuba is now authorized for individuals by a general "People to People" license.  You can fly yourself to Cuba legally.  No need to obtain additional permission from the U.S. government.  You only need a landing permit from Cuba.
Aug 5, 2015

Beware of FAA fees for private flights in the Caribbean that were never intended to be applied to small private aircraft and are the same as those  charged to 747's coming from Europe!   If you depart from a non-U.S. airport and land at a non-U.S. airport you could receive an FAA invoice for as much as $350 dollars, even for a fuel stop in the Bahamas in route to the DR!

Mar 29, 2015

Think twice about flying your own plane to Mexico!  Recent experiences of unauthorized fines for fabricated incidents at Cancun and Cozumel leveled againt private pilots - in combination with exhausting bureaucratic procedures, paperwork and fees are reasons not to go.

Jan 15, 2015

The Jan 15 White House announcement of new Cuban regulations governing individual travel, trade and financial services makes it easier for individuals to travel to Cuba.  Flying your own plane to Cuba, however, still remains a remote dream.

Nov 1, 2014

Bahamas Increases Departure Tax Again  15 $20 $25 $29

Aug 1, 2014

Bahamas Continues to Hit Private Pilots with Overtime Fees

Jul 1, 2014

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Mar 25, 2014
Mar 3, 2014
Jul 1, 2013

Bahamas increases fees for private aircraft  - $50 upon arrival; combined with $25 p/p dept tax that's $100 p/visit for two people

Jun, 2013

Cayman Islands increases departure tax to $65 p/p and customs overtime to $75.00 per aircraft on weekends/holidays.

Apr 29, 2013

Ft Lauderdale Executive Customs (KFXE) returns to normal hours: 8am-9pm daily.

Apr 29, 2013

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Mar 11, 2013

Ft Lauderdale Executive Customs (KFXE) scales back operating hours to 12-8 daily from 9-9 daily.

Feb 1, 2013

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Dec 1, 2012

Bahamas extends 406 ELT waiver- will review in 24 months - stay tuned

Dec 1, 2012

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Nov 24, 2012

Feb 1, 2013 you must have a 406 ELT to visit the Bahamas; June 1, 2013 for Mexico; no requirement in the DR or Puerto Rico

Nov 23, 2012

AVOID Turks and Caicos - fees for a C172, 3 passengers, 4 nights total $502 (with customs overtime $605!)

Oct 11, 2012

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Oct 1, 2012

NO AvGas at Cayman Brac - and none in the foreseeable future

Sep 9, 2012

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Aug 1, 2012

AvGas available again at Cayman Brac - but - $10.20 a gallon

July 13, 2012

Dominican Republic issues blanket authorization for U.S. experimental aircraft

July 10, 2012

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

July 10, 2012

Caribbean Flying Adventures convinces The Cayman Islands to issue blanket authorization for experimental aircraft

Jan 1, 2012

AvGas available at Grand Cayman;  no Avgas at Cayman Brac

Nov 24, 2011

AvGas unavailable at Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac pending fuel sample analysis.  Stay tuned.  Should not be more than a week.  As a precaution, call Island Air at 345-949-5252 before departing the U.S.

Nov 1, 2011

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Oct 1, 2011

The Bahamas has increased the departure tax from $20 to $25 per person, applicable to passengers and pilots alike.  The last increase from $15 to $20 was in June, 2010.  Let's hope this is not becoming an annual event.

Oct, 2011

The Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac) ran out of AvGas earlier in the month - for nearly two weeks - but restored service Oct 25th.  As a precaution, call Island Air at 345-949-5252 before departing the U.S. to insure availability.

Sept, 2011

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

July, 2011

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

April, 2011

Effective April 1 – and with only a day’s notice – the only FBO at the airport at Freeport, Bahamas, increased parking fees from $8 to $25 nightly; terminal fees from $7 to $30; and instituted a new handling fee of $30  ($75 for twins).  You may recall that the Bahamas recently increased the departure tax for pilots and passengers from $15 to $20 and also increased the hotel taxes from 6% to 10%.  Airport fees  used to cost $77 with 4 people on board for a three night visit.  This is now $215 for a single and $260 for a light twin.

Aug, 2010
eAPIS Improvements:  It is now possible to save passenger information and previous submissions.  This saves time and effort.
This is a definite improvement to the system and saves time and effort.
Jul, 2010

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Jun, 2010

The Bahamas has increased the departure tax from $15 to $20 per person, applicable to passengers and pilots alike.  In addition, they have also increased the hotel tax from 6% to 10%.  Four people in your plane, three nights, you'll pay an extra $70.

Mar, 2010
Haitian relief flights coordinated by Bahamas Habitat in Nassau, Bahamas and Go-Ministries in Santiago, DR have ceased operations.  Continue to call Jim Parker if you have questions about individual relief flights to Haiti.
Feb, 2010
Jamaica has eliminated all gov't fees for aircraft with an MTOW of 12,500 lbs or less.  For a Cessna 172, this means about $120 in savings.  Caribbean Flying Adventures will continue to work with the FBO in Montego Bay to reduce the FBO fees which remain prohibitively high.
Jan, 2010
New Airmen Certificate mandatory March 31, 2010.  Click here for a replacement.
June, 2009

Cuban Fly In? - The U.S. Treasury Dept will not authorize a Cuban Fly In for private aircraft until the embargo rules are changed.  Claims by tour operators of an imminent Fly In are misleading.  Caribbean Flying Adventures is posed to launch an "affordable" Fly In to Cuban (for $1,000's less) within weeks should the embargo be lifted.  We have been working with Cuba's Civil Air officials for over 5 years and know all the ropes.  Stay tuned. 

May, 2009

The new eAPIS electronic manifest system is mandatory effective May 18, 2009.  Pilots must file to leave and return to the U.S. Register here:

Time saving details available in the Member Services area

Jan, 2009

Customs has extended the validity of the 2008 decal sticker through January 31, 2009.  They have done this because the on-line ordering sytem is not functioning properly.  It is still recommended that you try to order your 2009 decal on

Dec, 2008

406 mhz ELT Update:  There are no mandatory requirements for updates to the 406 ELT by the Bahamas, Caymans Islands, Dominican Republic or any other island in the Caribbean.  The AOPA article is incorrect.

Dec, 2008

The on-line system to obtain the U.S. Customs decal sticker is back in service.  Click here to set up your account:

Dec, 2008

The new electronic passenger information system begins May 18, 2009.  This replaces the hard copy arrival report to U.S. customs.  It's not too bad.  Go ahead and register on Dec 18 and check out the site:

Nov, 2008

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Sep, 2008

U.S. Customs decals will not be available on-line mid-September through mid-October. Email [email protected] with questions or purchase your decal from customs when you return to the U.S.

Jun, 2008

Aerotel Jamaica is sending invoices for "communication" charges - $22 per leg - to all aircraft entering the Jamaica FIR.  DO NOT pay these fees if you are flying to Jamaica itself, or to the Caymans. They apply only to aircraft transiting the FIR at or above 24,000 ft.  All other aircraft are advised by Aerotel to ignore the invoices.

Jun, 2008

AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In, compare and save.

Mar, 2008

Florida Aircraft Tax - don't believe most of what you have heard or read.  According to the Florida Tax officials - "If an airplane owner has no nexus to Florida (didn't buy the plane here, doesn't own real estate, no business, not a corporate officer in a business) and is just coming in within six months of purchase for a few days, the Florida Department of Revenue will not be looking at that person.  Our enforcement unit is geared toward looking for people with some connection to the state  -- purchased the plane here, own property, etc."

Mar, 2008

English language proficiency requirement postponded for U.S. pilots flying internationally until March 2009; But it's easy - click here for a replacement certificate

Feb, 2008
AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In and Compare
Jan, 2008
New Cuban Overflight Request form:  submit on-line
Dec, 2007
AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In and Compare
Oct, 2007
MBPV Providenciales Turks & Caicos has been updated; it is no longer possible for private aircraft to purchase fuel on the main ramp; Sky Base is a new FBO but their fees,  incredibly, are higher than Provo Air Center
Oct, 2007
The IFR low altitude charts are now available through the FAA.  You need two for the entire Caribbean at $4.25 each.  Log In and click on "Charts" for full details
Oct, 2007
The inexpensive, low-altitude, Caribbean IFR charts and approach plates from the FAA/ Department of Defense that were available at a very reasonable price are no longer available to the general public,  effective Oct 1, 2007.   The only chart option currently available is the Jeppesen Caribbean trip kit for about $140.  For the northern Bahamas,  however, the FAA IFR chart L19 get the job done.
Sep, 2007 Las Americas runway 17/35 in Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic (MDSD) is closed until Oct 2, 2007.  Expect delays. Using taxiways for landing.
Aug, 2007 U.S. FSS is now accepting flight plans up to 30 days in advance!  You can now file your departure and return flight plans at the same time including returning flights from the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Use the new 1-800-432-4716 for international travel since not all the FSS specialists are up to speed on the new advance filing system.
Aug, 2007 If you need an international briefing or to file an international flight plan out of Miami, there's a new flight service phone number 1-800-432-4716.  Calling that number will ensure you are connected to a Miami briefer certified for international operations.
Jul, 2007 St Lucia (TLPC Vigie Airport -Castries) procedures and fees have been updated
Jul, 2007 AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In and Compare
Jun, 2007 New advance arrival/departure reporting requirements for Caricom islands - it's not difficult - see my instructions in the Members Services Departure Checklist
Jun, 2007 Effective June 8 until Sept 30, 2007, a "Temporary Travel Accommodation" allows you to re-enter the U.S. from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda with a government issued photo ID and a Department of State official proof of application for a passport or passport renewal.  But check entry requirements for your island destinations.  For example, Barbados and Trinidad require passports.
Jun, 2007 AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In and Compare
Apr, 2007 Going to Sun 'n Fun?  Stop by our booth #014 in Hangar C; join Jim's presentations in Tent #1 at 9 am Wednesday and 12 noon Saturday
Apr, 2007 AvGas and Jet-A prices updated for South Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean - Log In and Compare
Apr, 2007 AvGas avaliable again at TJVQ Vieques, Puerto Rico and MYCB New Bight, Cat Island, Bahamas;  Jet-A temporarily unavailable at MYIG Great Inagua, Bahamas
Mar, 2007 AvGas at Great Inagua, Bahamas reduced from $5.75 to $5.10 at the urging of Caribbean Flying Adventures
Mar, 2007 The 2007 Cricket World Cup takes place March 11-April 28 in Jamaica, St. Vincent and The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and Guyana.  Expect some ATC delays especially for VFR flights.  Check notams for destination airports.
Feb, 2007 Great Inagua, Bahamas has AvGas again - but it's $5.75 a gallon!!  I'm working on it.  In the meanwhile, think about Provo at $4.58 including landing fee.
Jan, 2007 January 23!  Today's the day.  You will need a passport to re-enter the U.S.
Jan, 2007 Fuel Prices updated for the entire Caribbean
Dec, 2006 Malaria outbreak in Jamaica - preventative medications strongly recommended
Dec, 2006 Montego Bay added to Caribbean Flying Adventures - get out your wallet!
Dec, 2006 Passport deadline extended until Jan 23, 2007
Nov, 2006 No AvGas at New Bight, Cat Island, Bahamas - MYCB.
Nov, 2006 Fuel Prices updated for the Bahamas & Caribbean effective Nov 16.
Nov, 2006 KTMB Marathon, FL - Crystal Clear Aviation - New self serve AvGas - $3.36!!!
Nov, 2006 REMINDER - Effective Jan 8, 2007 You will need a passport
Oct, 2006 TSA Waiver no longer required for aircraft below 100,309 lbs
Sep, 2006 Vieques, PR - no AvGas - fuel pump broken again
Sep, 2006 Fuel Prices updated for the entire Caribbean
Sep, 2006 Fuel Prices updated for the Bahamas
Jul, 2006 Great Inagua, Bahamas - AvGas temporarily unavailable
Jul, 2006 Stella Maris - MYLS - Long Island, Bahamas re-opens with new surface
Jun, 2006 Vieques, PR fuel pump repaired
May, 2006 New Approach video for Great Inagua, Bahamas
May, 2006 Borinquen and Culebra airports (Puerto Rico) added to web site
May, 2006 Virgin Gorda airport escapes closure threat and remains open
Apr, 2006 No fuel at Vieques, PR - broken fuel pump
Apr, 2006 Bahamas & Caribbean Fuel Prices Updated
Mar, 2006 Ft Lauderdale Executive 9 to 9 Custom's Hours Now Permanent
Mar, 2006 Still no AvGas at Nevis - maybe late June
Mar, 2006 St Kitt's Bradshaw Airport to be closed for runway resurfacing 20 April until 13 June, 2006
Feb, 2006 Stella Maris airport on Long Island, the Bahamas, closed - Potholes to blame.
Feb, 2006 Flying to the Caymans?  The U.S. Treasury ruled in January that it is illegal to obtain Cuban over flight permits directly from Cuba without a license.  Don't pay $160 -$200 - the current market price!  CaribbeanFlyingAdventures provides FREE Cuban over flight permit to members ($50 for non-members)
Feb, 2006 New Bahamas section added to Member Services
Jan, 2006 COPECA FBO fully operational at TJBQ Puerto Rico; great fuel prices!
Jan, 2006 FAA international charts now available on line - no tax; no shipping costs
Jan, 2006 Jeppensen increase Caribbean Trip Kit price from $66 to $90
Dec, 2005 New TSA Waiver form - but no change in policy
Dec, 2005 All Bahamas & Caribbean AvGas Prices UPDATED
Dec, 2005 Tobago airport installs DME, localizer and NDB
Nov, 2005 Nevis - no AvGas until March
Oct, 2005 Virgin Gorda airport likely to close Nov 30, 2005
Oct, 2005 St Kitt's Bradshaw Airport to be resurfaced beginning Jan 2006
Oct, 2005 All Bahamas & Caribbean AvGas Prices UPDATED
Aug, 2005 New MillionAir FBO Opens in Isla Grande, Puerto Rico
Jul, 2005 SheltAir FBO Opens in Isla Grande, Puerto Rico
Jul, 2005 All Bahamas & Caribbean AvGas Prices UPDATED
Jul, 2005 North Eleuthera, Bahamas added to
Jun, 2005 Fort Lauderdale Executive Customs Extends Hours to 9 pm (trial basis evaluated month by month)
Feb, 2005 Canefield Airport Re-opens
Jan, 2005 New Approach Video - St Barts!  The Most Daunting in the Islands!
Dec, 2004 New Island Added - Culebra, Puerto Rico
Dec, 2004 Updated Procedures for St Vincent, St Kitts & Puerto Plata, DR
Dec, 2004 Fuel Price Updates
Nov, 2004 Canefield Airport, Dominica closed for repairs
Nov, 2004 Fuel Price Updates
Oct, 2004 St Barths Airport Re-opens Oct 16
Sep, 2004 Turks & Caicos Increase Departure Tax again
Sep, 2004 St Barths Airport to close Sept 6 - Oct 18 (click for picture)
Jul, 2004 Nevis - avgas available again
Jul, 2004 New Island - see Vieques, Puerto Rico
Jun, 2004 Fuel Price Updates
Jun, 2004 Grand Case Airport, St Martin re-opened to GA aircraft - but 48 hour customs notification required - fax 011-590-590-87-28-34; no avgas
Jun, 2004 No more Customs overtime at Opa Locka
Jun, 2004 Customs Arrival Report available on line
May, 2004 Procedures updates for Barbados, St Lucia
May, 2004 Grand Case, St Martins closed to GA; stay tuned; no Avgas.
Apr, 2004 No Avgas at Nevis; may be available soon; stay tuned.
Apr, 2004 TSA Waiver requirements under review; stay tuned.
Winter 2003/04 St Barts - check on parking availability.
Winter 2003/4 Waiver no longer required for outbound flights

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